Happy International Women's Day

Patricia R.
on 3/8/16 6:33 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF,

I'm celebrating today by exercising the franchise and voting in our Primary Election in Michigan.

I had plans to go volunteer but my knee is still messed up from the fall.  After I vote, I'm going to put my foot up, and phone bank.

Nothing new other than I got new glasses.  I will post a pic after my scars on my face heal.  I don't want to upset anyone.

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

(deactivated member)
on 3/8/16 7:48 am

Good morning Trish and all to come.

Today would be a good day to do nothing here in Texas.  Can you sing " Its raining so hard/Looks like its gonna rain all night" I got up to take a walk at East End Park but not gonna happen.  I told my husband its jus****er but he wouldn't buy it.  He is going to walk in the mall but I just don't like walking indoors.  Hopefully it will let up and I can walk around the neighborhood.

The landscaper came today.  He should get my flower bed planted next week.  Can't wait to get it finished. 

I will start packing in a little while.  I am going to grab my instruments and head to Baton Rouge for the Lagniappe Fete, an annual dulcimer jamboree.  This year they are adding ukulele to the schedule and I have one of those too.  I need to start practicing more so I can rise above this beginner level. 

Trish I hope your wounds heal soon.  Sorry you can't volunteer but at least you will get your vote in.  I early voted in our primary a couple of weeks ago.  Its easier for me.  I live in a complicated area voting wise.  I am in a pocket that did not get annexed by Houston in their take over.  As a result I have to go to different polling places depending on whether it is a county, city, or school election.  Early voting equalizes all that.  One place and the ballot given me is based on my address so I don't have to figure out which polling place is mine.  I always vote.  It was instilled in me from a young age that YOU VOTE.  My parents joked that they voted even though it probably didn't matter since they cancelled each other's vote most of the time.  They may not have agreed on a candidate or an issue but they respected each other's right to have a differing opinion.

I'd better scoot.  Lot to do....little motivation.


on 3/8/16 10:49 am

Hi gals, Patricia, I never voted in a Presidential Primary before. Shame on me. I will do so this year, if I am up to it. I am having major dental work done Friday and will be hurting. I always hurt when I go to the dentist and developed a phobia. I have anxiety, why not a dentist anxiety to add to all the driving phobia and heights phobia. Those are the only ones I have. Not bad for a person who suffers from an anxiety disorder.

Everyone else, have a great day, week, and I will be popping in when I can. I am stressing out now thinking about Friday. Most of the time I am OK, though.

Everyone take care. My regards to all,


Eileen Briesch
on 3/8/16 10:53 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Trish and Linda and my OFF family to come:

I'm watching spring training baseball and trying to get rid of the headache that tells me we're getting rain soon. I thought about going to a movie today, but the cheap theater that has "Concussion" doesn't have it until 3:45 p.m. and I don't know if I want to wait that late. We'll see. It's $1.50 today and there's cheap concessions too. Right now, I'm not in the mood. 

I also have to get out and pick up my script for Norco (same as Vicodin but less Tylenol in it). And I want to stop and pick up fixings for salsa chicken for tomorrow because I don't have a lot of frozen dinners and the salsa chicken will give me lots of leftovers. I need chicken thighs, cream of chicken soup, sour cream and taco seasoning. Got the salsa at least. I'm not in the mood to do anything. I set my alarm to get up for the Y, but woke up with a headache, so turned it off and went back to bed.

Had a hell of a time at work last night. First, I had problems uploading an obit photo. It kept coming up with an error message. So I called our IT support folks. We have to file a ticket and if it's "business critical" we have to call the center. So I did that, and the guy I talked to said there was nothing he could do, could it wait until tomorrow. Uh, no, that's why it's business critical. This is someone's loved one and the obit is running in tomorrow's paper, you idiot (didn't say that). So someone contacted me and we worked on it over the phone for 45 minutes and finally he asked me to attach the photo to the ticket, which I did. And finally it appeared in our system, not once but twice. I was very grateful to him; he did his job and was tenacious in getting it done and I told him so, thanked him for helping me. 

Then, we had a story on the local school board meeting. I was told to make that my top story. OK, fine. So I have that on the top of the page and I'm waiting for it, waiting for it. Nothing's coming in. It's 10 p.m., our deadline is 11 p.m. Still nothing. We call the reporter, it goes to voicemail. We send emails, no response. So after 10:30, I call the reporter, it goes to voicemail, and one of my coworkers looks through the local file and says, "Oh, she made a new file for the story, it's called 'GL_sofa'." (Sofa stands for school of fine arts.) But nobody told us it was in a new file. So I open the file, cut and paste it in the new file and quickly start to read it. But, then I have to check lotteries, read a story on A2 and proof another page, all before 11 p.m. So someone else read that story ... and the main source's name is misspelled throughout the story. Fortunately, it was caught by the coworker who is a good editor but sometimes a pain in the ass. We got done at 11:05 p.m. So we missed deadline because someone didn't communicate with the desk ... again! 

Came home with a headache of course and sat with Juliette and let her purr away the stress. I have done that the past two nights. She has sat on my lap and just purred for 15 minutes as I stroked her. Those of you with pets know how they take away our pain and stress. Juliette is so good for me when I get home at night. Scooter did the same thing for me; all my kitties did. They greet me at the door and then help me relax. 

Ah well, thanks for letting me vent. I don't have anyone to vent to. Gary just nods and doesn't really understands. BTW, he's at work today so he'll be home late. He spent yesterday decorating the house for Easter. It looks so nice. He's so meticulous. I was watching him do it yesterday ... I thought he had one thing that looked nice, but then he moved it around several times. He said it made mom crazy when he did that. Well, yeah, it kind of did that for me, too, but I just shook my head. I think he's kind of OCD, but not as bad as youknowwho. I would just put out the stuff and leave it; he has to have it look a certain way and is not satisfied until it's done. 

Trish, I hope you will rest after the election stuff is done. You fall about as much as I do. I hope you will use a cane. Don't remember if you said you use one. I still fall and I use one. I vote all the time, just not in the primaries, because I don't declare a party. Don't know why because I vote mostly Democrat ... although occasionally there's a Republican I like (but that's rare). But it doesn't matter who you vote for as long as you vote. 

Linda, your fest sounds interesting. I need to find something to occupy my time. I need a hobby. I used to have ceramics, but that was too costly and my hands shake too much now. 

Well, have a good day. I went on way too long in this. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Patricia R.
on 3/9/16 6:51 am - Perry, MI


I registered Democrat in 1975.  I absentee balloted while my husband was in the Army, only missing primaries for local elections, like school board.  Presidential and other big elections, I always vote.  Straight Democrat.  Here in Michigan, we don't register by party.  Yesterday, I chose the party I wanted to vote in.  Democrat of course.  

I will continue working for Bernie, on the phone bank, for other primary states.  As for the fall, I forgot my cane.  I am using it now. I could have fallen in my driveway.  I just tripped.  But, at least Bernie won Michigan.  


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 3/8/16 2:53 pm - Bradenton, FL

I don't know why I can't sign into oh on my Ipad and only on my phone. I have reported it to Oh and they won't respond. Says my password is wrong and I know it's not.

i just returned from lunch with my cousin. I took miss Vinnie with me. She was so good! Till we took Liz a sandwich at her work. Then she became evil. That's when I tried to get her in the car seat! I'm going to eat her today!!!

took me twenty minutes to wrestle her down to get her in the car seat!

But Grammy won!

Im going to a makeup demo at Lizzy's work tonight! 


It will give me a break away from Vinnie!

Well a certanin Vinnie wants my phone for games!!! Or else it's tantrum time! I can't take the crying today! 


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